Since the mid-1990s, international development cooperation, including multilateral cooperation, has undergone profound changes. The number of actors (including non-state actors) engaged in development activities has increased; intervention methods and tools have transformed and multiplied (for example, foreign direct investment and remittances of migrant workers have assumed particular importance). In addition, the contribution of the private […]
Asia Maior Special Issue 2018

A historical perspective on South-South co-operation: a view from the UN
The «emerging economies» of the Global South – which include BRICS, some Latino-American, African and South-Eastern countries – have become new international donors or have enhanced their aid policies over the last two decades, shaping a new architecture of international development cooperation. Such change not only refers to the massive increase in the flow […]
The Indian model of South-South cooperation: broader international cooperation in a historical perspective
The paper traces the historical evolution of the development cooperation implemented by India in Africa. It then outlines the map of the main Indian wider cooperation tools. The paper applies a deductive method and underlines that India utilises a singular development cooperation model following her historical, political and cultural specificity. Since Independence, India’s strategic priority […]
China and the development discourse at the United Nations. Multilateralism «with Chinese characteristics»?
Transformations in China’s foreign policy in the last forty years, along with its economic growth, have been the subject of numerous analyses, which have inter alia focused on the Chinese attitude towards international organizations. The interest of international aid scholars has instead turned to the growing activism that China has been showing in this field […]
History of Japanese cooperation in Cambodia beyond realist and idealist approaches
Since 1991, Japanese aid offered to Cambodia has been the most significant in the context of the donor community, contributing to Cambodian conflict resolution, material reconstruction of infrastructures, national reconciliation and democratisation. The Realist school of international relations sustains that cooperation is an instrument of soft power, used by Japan to contain China’s assertiveness in […]
Looking for new forms of cooperation: EU-ASEAN relations
This article aims to analyse relations between the EEC/EU and ASEAN during the 1980s and 1990s. These are examined from a bilateral point of a view and in the larger context of the relations that the European Community developed with Asian countries. While the Cooperation Agreement with ASEAN was only signed in 1980 relations started […]